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McKay inspired us all to be kinder...

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Our Story

Jackson's Journey to Wolf Haven 

These are the heroes behind our story.  They have braved the devastating storm of childhood cancer with their brother, Jackson.  He was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer called Ewing's Sarcoma the day before his 11th birthday.  


That.  Changed.  Everything.


We were now part of a world we knew very little about and our focus became survival.  Cancer turned our entire world upside down.  Life became in-patient hospital stays, home health visits, clinic visits, isolation due to Jackson's immunocompromised state, and daily life of questioning his survival.  We are grateful every day for those who selflessly donate blood products, because he had countless transfusions.


We have learned a lot of things, but one thing is for certain; cancer is a FAMILY disease.  It rips at the heart of familial bonds and creates a wedge between the entire family unit.  We have grown a lot as a family and through our heartache and grief, we hope to share the light and joy we have found in our journey to help those walking through the darkest moments of their lives.


Our mission is on our "DONATE" page.  

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